
  • OLENA TERENKO Sumy State Pedagogical University named after A. S. Makarenko
  • LARISA KLOCHKO Sumy State Pedagogical University named after A.S. Makarenko




adult education, USA, Canada, Ukraine, civil society, democratic society


Nowadays informal adult education is viewed as a means of adults educational needs fulfilment, their perfection and self-development and as a mechanism of democratic society formation, for it helps to form socially active citizens, who are mobile in professional and social contexts to rapid changes in social environment. Key concepts in American and Canadian state and society formation are «activity», «civil society», «democratic society». Movement for civil rights is the most vivid social phenomenon in Canadian and American history. The aim of the article is to work out recommendations concerning creative application of positive American and Canadian experience in reformation of national system of adult education. For fulfilment of the mentioned aim the following methods are applied: a system of general theoretical methods in particular analysis, synthesis, comparison, abstraction, concrete scientific methods in particular term analysis and historical genetic analysis. Analysis of peculiarities of adult education development in different historical periods in Ukraine is conducted. Adult education as an important element of civil society formation in the USA and Canada is viewed. Analysis of concepts «active citizenship» and «democratic citizenship» is conducted. Principles of informal adult education are systematized. Recommendations concerning creative application of positive ideas of American and Canadian experience in national adult education system are worked out. Results of the conducted research work give opportunity to state that American and Canadian experience in the field of adult education can help to create harmony between national traditions and world achievements on the basis of humanism and democracy; to give high quality educational service to adults, synchronize national system of adult education with world tendencies, provide conditions for adult education development and its influence on economic development of state.


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How to Cite

TERENKO, O., & KLOCHKO, L. (2021). EXTRAPOLATION OF THE NORTHERN AMERICAN EXPERIENCE OF ADULT EDUCATION DEVELOPMENT IN NATIONAL EDUCATIONAL SPACE. Comparative Professional Pedagogy, 11(1), 51–56. https://doi.org/10.31891/2308-4081/2021-11(1)-7