



academic integrity, higher education students, Great Britain, higher education institutions, Charter of Academic Integrity for Higher Education, academic misconduct


The article defines that academic integrity is an indicator of societal development. Therefore, the policy of students’ academic integrity at higher education institutions in developed countries, namely in Great Britain, is of a special interest. In every institution of higher education, there is a struggle for academic integrity, which is provided by means of creating appropriate conditions and taking appropriate measures. The goal of academic integrity is to comply with the rules of the educational process, create an atmosphere that is favorable for the education of all categories of students, and provide equal opportunities for all students in order to obtain a quality education. The UK higher education sector has an excellent reputation based on high standards of education and academic integrity contributes greatly to this.

The author analyzes the policy of implementing academic integrity in higher education institutions of Great Britain, where a system of fines for plagiarism found in students’ written works has been developed. This policy is analyzed on the example of Oxford University, London University College, and Leeds University.

It is found that Higher Education Quality Assurance Agency (QAA) with the support of the Advisory Group on Academic Integrity in Great Britain created the Charter of Academic Integrity for the country’s higher education. They also developed the principles of academic integrity at British universities, which are analyzed in our study. Furthermore, they developed the Charter of Academic Integrity for UK Higher Education, which represents the collective commitment of the UK higher education sector and promotes academic integrity and actions against academic misconduct.

Advice to students on ensuring academic integrity is outlined and the types of punishments for academic dishonesty are described. A holistic approach to higher education, which involves fostering public trust and confidence in conscientious learning and minimizing academic misconduct, is characterized.


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How to Cite

SHYNKARUK, O. (2023). POLICY OF IMPLEMENTING ACADEMIC INTEGRITY IN HIGHER EDUCATION ISNTITUTIONS OF GREAT BRITAIN. Comparative Professional Pedagogy, 13(1), 93–100. https://doi.org/10.31891/2308-4081/2023-13(1)-12