



after school education, organization of education, after school activities, interest clubs, student youth, foreign experience, Ukrainian practice, artistic and choreographic education, after-school programs


The article discloses Ukrainian and foreign experience of operating and sustaining after-school programs, their peculiarities and organization of after school education there. It is found that the effectiveness of after-school programs is ensured by well-founded theoretical, methodical, and practical principles. The main mission of such programs is the development of creative educational and cognitive activities aimed at the transfer, assimilation, deepening of relevant knowledge, abilities and skills, creative abilities, value orientations of children and school youth.

It is established that the system of after school education in most European countries is represented by various interest clubs, societies, associations, children's and youth public organizations, leisure centers for students and youth, sports associations, etc. The most popular are societies of artistic creativity: choreography, musical art, folklore, decorative and applied art.

Statistical data on participation and involvement of children and school youth in after school programs in the EU countries are given. Several models of after school education in EU are presented. The peculiarities of the Atlantic model (USA, Canada) of after school education, the purpose of which is to create a favorable environment for the development of students' creative abilities, their self-confidence and self-reflection, are clarified. It is emphasized that the strategic goal of the development of after school education in Ukraine is to increase the quality and accessibility of extracurricular activities, expand the functions of after-school programs in administrative-territorial units as centers of educational, sociocultural and civic activities, taking into account lifelong learning.

It is concluded that, despite different names, forms, types, and structure of after school education, in particular artistic and choreographic ones, national and foreign systems of organizing after-school activities have a lot in common. They are similar in terms of goals, tasks, missions, relevance of artistic events, etc. Prospects for further research are related to outlining the peculiarities of using an integrative approach to the organization of folk choreography classes in after-school programs.



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How to Cite

MUZYKA, Y. (2023). OPERATING AND SUSTAINING AFTER SCHOOL PROGRAMS: FOREIGN AND UKRAINIAN EXPERIENCE. Comparative Professional Pedagogy, 13(2), 92–99. https://doi.org/10.31891/2308-4081/2023-13(2)-11