



preschool children, experimentation, cognitive activity, personality development, preschool education institution, European experience


The article is devoted to one of the urgent problems of modern preschool education – ensuring the holistic development of the children, their physical, intellectual and creative abilities through education, training, socialization and formation of necessary life skills. The article analyzes the peculiarities of implementing experimentation as a type of children’s activity in the practice of preschool education institutions, which ensures the renewal of preschool education at the modern stage and contributes to the comprehensive development of the child’s personality. It is determined that the urgent problem of modern education is the search for effective ways of learning and development of a creative, proactive personality, capable of realizing its creative potential and research abilities in various types of activity. The experience of organizing experimentation as a type of children’s activity in the countries of the European Union (Finland, Poland, and Germany) is studied. In the countries of the European Union, the implementation of experimentation as a type of children’s activity in the educational process is quite vivid and is reflected in the forms, methods and approaches to the organization of children’s work.  The author reveals the meaning, content, structure of conducting, methods and forms of organizing experimentation. It is proven that specially organized research activity allows children to obtain information about the studied objects or phenomena. Due to it, teachers can provide effective learning process, satisfy the natural curiosity of preschoolers, and develops their cognitive activity. Analysis of scientific research regarding the experimental activities of preschoolers is carried out. The advantages of implementing children’s experimentation in preschool education institutions are described. The principles that educators should follow during the organization of experimentation are specified. The requirements to the organization of experimentation as a type of children’s activity are highlighted.


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How to Cite

KOLOMIETS, A. (2022). EXPERIMENTATION AS A TYPE OF ACTIVITY FOR PRESCHOOL CHILDREN: EUROPEAN EXPERIENCE. Comparative Professional Pedagogy, 12(2), 7–13. https://doi.org/10.31891/2308-4081/2022-12(2)-1