the Chinese language, learning Chinese, teaching Chinese, educational programs, universities, hieroglyphs, China, methods and techniques, learning strategiesAbstract
The article highlights some aspects of learning and teaching Chinese as a foreign language at Chinese universities. Special attention is paid to the internal and external factors that have led to the interest in and need to learn Chinese. It is found that at the present stage of Chinese society development, the country seeks to popularize the Chinese language and culture in the world, thus solving the problem of cross-cultural communication and strengthening international influence on the development of the global world. It is established that in the process of China's active involvement in the global economy and international cooperation, the Chinese language has become important in the world and its status as the second language after English is predicted. It is defined that programs for studying Chinese language as a foreign language involve different models of educational trajectory: preparatory programs; long-term training programs; short-term (intensive / practical) programs; regular programs and practice-oriented ones. The article summarizes the views of Chinese scholars on the linguodidactic and methodological principles of teaching Chinese as a foreign language. Scholars particularly focus on the following issues: increasing motivation to learn Chinese through communicative tasks; developing and using effective teaching strategies; studying intercultural relations in teaching practices; using online game technologies in teaching Chinese, etc. It is found that spelling strategies, semantic strategies, memory strategies, phonological strategies and metacognitive strategies are used in teaching Chinese as a second foreign language. Effective methods and techniques of teaching Chinese as a foreign language (implicit learning, approximation, diversification of exercises, association method, translation method, communicative tasks, repeated memorization, game methods, visual mnemonics, etc.) are described. It is concluded that the growing interest in the Chinese language as a foreign language has led to the need to update the content of educational programs and improve the methodology of teaching Chinese.
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