professional education, vocational and technical educational institutions, apprenticeship, students, Ukraine, countries of the European UnionAbstract
The article analyzes the essence of apprenticeship in professional education of Ukraine and some countries of the European Union. The purpose of the article is to study and analyze the essence of apprenticeship in vocational and technical educational institutions of Ukraine and the European Union. Under the conditions of European integration of Ukraine, the study of apprenticeship as one of the best practices of practical training in the field of professional training in the European Union is relevant and promising for improving the system of professional training of domestic vocational and technical education recipients.
It is highlighted that apprenticeship is a flexible form of professional training and is able to adapt to the conditions of the educational system. It is found that apprenticeship has both common and distinctive features in each country. A common feature is the social security of the student at the legislative level by concluding agreements with the employer and the satisfaction of the employer in increasing the efficiency of training competitive personnel for their own enterprise.
It is defined that countries of the European Union make efforts so that students of vocational educational institutions are interested in achieving the highest possible level of professionalism. Differences in apprenticeships within each country, both Ukraine and the European Union, exist in regulatory instruments at the state level. It can be stated that the domestic system of vocational education in the field of apprenticeship has a lot in common with the system of vocational education and apprenticeship in France, namely: in the development of training programs and compliance with the level of professional training.
It is found that the apprenticeship system depends on the complex institutional conditions for the involvement of employers in highly qualified training and the interest of young people in the apprenticeship system. These conditions include active participation of organizations operating in the labor market, certification and protection of skills, control over the quality of the educational process at work place and opportunities for career growth after completing studies in the vocational education system, including access to higher vocational education.
It is concluded that apprenticeship in vocational education of the countries of the European Union is based on common value principles of equality and social inclusion; providing exceptional opportunities for employment of graduates; a significant degree of integration of social partners into the management of professional education; interaction with professional education institutions; ensuring practice-oriented training; and joint financing.
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